Friday, February 27, 2009

Turley Reception

On September 23, 2008 Jonathan and Liz tied the knot. They made the decision a week before after hearing a message from Matt Brown at Sandals Church. The ceremony was small and simple. They decided to have a reception at Don Jose's in Riverside on February 6. Family and friends were there to celebrate with them, along with their two girls. Enjoy the pics...

Alisa and Liz
Jonathan and Abigail

This was such a fun cake.

Matthew; 3 months

Little Matthew is such a happy boy and the pictures really show it. He is Reagans little brother. You may recognize his mommy from Reagans 3 month pictures. Enjoy!

Braxon: 1 month

Here is a little Christmas in February. I never blogged about the session I did with baby Braxon back in December and I cant move forward until I do. So here are a couple favorites from our session.

Here is a link to Kristen and Domo's maternity session.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Missing Frieda

My mother-in-law has been gone for 8 months today. It would have been her 54th birthday.

I have been missing her so much lately. When my four year old, Bricyn, asks me to stir chocolate milk like Grammi or to paint like Grammi used to, I only miss her more. But then I stop and am thankful for the memories and times we did have to be together and to be loved by an amazing women. I pray her memory will never fade and that Bricyn will forever remember his Grammi. I hope he never stops talking about her.

Frieda you were an awesome mom, Grammi and friend. Thank you for everything you taught me. I miss you so very much.