Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sandals Baptism

I attend a church in Riverside called Sandals. It is an awesome church. Sandals is about being real with yourself, others and God. One way of showing your commitment to Christ is through Baptism. On February 17 I was invited to take shoot the Baptism. Here are some of my favorite shots of the afternoon.

That morning was also the end of the "Get in the game" series. It was a great series about getting involved and off the sidelines of life. Getting involved the way Christ was involved with people. This last Sunday of the series was a time for all the small groups at Sandals to show off our spirit. Here are a couple pictures from the morning and some of the moms in my MAP - Moms with A Purpose - relational group.

This last picture is by Daniel Balboa. Thanks Daniel for the picture!

1 comment:

Daniel Balboa said...

Thanks Girl,
We had a very successful shoot that day.
People are very pleased with the pictures.