Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Relay for Life Walk - Yucaipa

Steve and Friends in Yucaipa had a booth at the Relay for Life on Saturday April 26. The Walk took place at the Yucaipa Community Park. The booth was done this year in honor of my mother-in-law who is fighting cancer.
The day started out with several donations to Locks of LoveBy the end of the day there was a total of 24 locks donated.
My sister-in-law, Katryn, donated her hair,
Supplies for the crazy hair doos
Adorable mohawks.
My Crazy hair for the day.
Even the babies got crazy doos.

A shot of my hubbys hair from the back.
My son Austyn at the end of the event
Some temporary tatoos
Kim, from Steve and Friends, was there doing nails. Doesnt Kartyn look great with her new cut?
Some of the Steve and Friends family.

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