Monday, October 27, 2008

Tom and Katryn: Wedding

I have been putting off this post for way too long. If you know me personally, you know what my family has been through this past year. If you don't know me, here is a glimpse of the amazing family I am a part of.

My mother-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2007. You can read her full journey at this CaringBridge link. On June 11, 9 months after her initial diagnosis, she came home from spending a week at the hospital being treated for pneumonia and was put on Hospice. We knew we did not have much time left but the question was never asked, "How much time do we have?" On Friday June 13 my sister-in-laws boyfriend proposed at the breakfast table surrounded by family. She said yes and the date was set for Sunday the 15th. The race was on. With help from family and friends we organized a beautiful wedding in less than 72 hours. I documented the day with my camera and am ready to share them with you.

If you have time to view the whole day, here is the slideshow. Click on the showcase and the password is "Fry".

Kristy and Connie, from Steve and Friends in Yucaipa, did everyone's hair and even trimmed all the guys.

The dress was Katryn's moms dress. It fit her perfectly. The only adjustment made was making the sleeves shorter.

Frieda and Katryn.

Tom's dad was them officiant for the ceremony.

The most adorable ring bearer ever! (my youngest son)

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fry

On the Ducati.

Katryn's family

Tom's family

Katryn's brothers.

Katryn and her dad, Durwyn.

This was such a blessed day for our family. It was extremely important to Katryn to have her mom be a part of her wedding day. A little over a week later, Frieda passed away. We miss her so much but she will live on forever in our hearts and memories.


MM said...

Kristen, I am having a hard time looking at the photos because of the tears in my eyes. I hadn't heard about this wedding. These are so beautiful. You captured some beautiful memories that both families will cherish forever.

Daniel Balboa said...

I have known the story for so long. Now I see the pictures. I love the pictures. And as melissa said I'm sure you captured some memories that are priceless.

Jen Harris said...

You know that I have seen these already, but looking at them again was just as emotional as the first time. It brings back all the feelings I had then. It doesn't seem to get easier and I know that it is harder for you guys. I love you all so much.

Hope said...

What an amazing gift to share with your family! The gift of photography is priceless and this is just one more reason why! Beautiful story and photos!